Thursday, May 20, 2004


Well nothing much interesting has happened to me lately, no lottery wins (start buying tickets'd help), nobodys thrown any purple flour at me and still no offer of marriage from Kylie.

That's not to say however that nothing interesting is happening... because my little colega compadre Monica is now in the family way!, Woo Yay. Thats such cool news, soon there will be mini Mons running about! I'd think that she's hoping is a girl but who knows?. Aren't you supposed to be able to tell by what you have cravings for to eat? Currently suffering from morning, afternoon and evening sickness which insn't so great and a bit Poo, nevermind, least of your worries guys, hehehe. If only the bit about the stalk was actually true things would be alot easier.

Anyway I suggest you go see what she's gotta say about it. You can read more here from the other person responsible, we all know the men suffer more, right Nagi? (*Will ducks and runs for cover*).

Go on shoo.

Still here?


Blogger Dingleberry Delight said...

ahh .. about kylie. tood bad. i had my hands all over her arse last year. see here []

1:12 PM  

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