Friday, June 25, 2004

Robbed I tell ya

OK, i think we can justifiably say that we were robbed! It's easy to blame the referee after your team loses a match, but I think this time it's fair comment. Perhaps it was the 3-0 drubbing we gave his home team :-D. Anyway if you have a comment perhaps you'd like to leave them here. A special mention has also go to go out to the idiots in Thetford, a town not too far from where I grew up, who decided they'd attack some Portugese supporters in a pub, what a load of morons.

Other than that, punting on the Cam was an excellent way to spend a few hours on a saturday afternoon. I didn't really know what to expect, the nearest thing i'd ever done before was using a Quant pole but that was many years ago and on considerably bigger boats. So with images of getting a complete soaking firmly set in my brain we set off with our illustrious tour guide/punter Eric along the river. Brief showers of rain almost put a premature stop to our fun as we did several U turns thinking we'd head back only to turn again when the sun shone again. Eventually it was my turn to have a go, Tony and Nagi had already had a try (with varying levels of success!), Monica using the "i'm pregnant so I couldn't possibly...' line to full effect ;-). So with a due sense of dread and regret I stood on the back and tried to propel the punt. Easier said than done is all I can say! It was actually more stable on the back than i'd been expecting but that didn't stop me sending the punt round in circles so there was furious paddling to be done on one side just to keep us going in a straight line. More practice needed I think!


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