Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Crikey i haven't logged into this blog in years! .. I didn't even know it had changed over to google, jeez!

Monday, February 27, 2006


You may have noticed in the news about the robbery in Kent, UK. of a security depot where they got away with £53 million! The biggest cash robbery ever in the UK by all accounts.

They have arrested some people in connection with the crime but they have been released on bail... surely if they set the bail to £10 million each they would know if they'd caught the right people ;-)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Annual update

It has come to my attention that i am overdue my annual update of this blog well actually "monica forced me to write something so here it is.." :-D

Well whats happened well allot and not much really, but i've just had a nice lunch down the pub so thats nice!

Anyway i might move this blog to my realy homepage where it wont get ignored as much, who knows bi-annual updates maybe on the cards.

Friday, February 18, 2005


Ok a bit lame on the blogging front. Well i have been bogging about my minis but not just general stuff y'see. As far as the minis go we have the little turbo'd saloon on the road again after an 18 month absence, woo yay! We had it professionally tuned on a rolling road - scary experience I can tell you. Seeing your car scream its little heart out at 70-80mph while standing still is quite unnerving, more so the man casually standing in front of it twiddling with engine bits!

Other than that the polytunnel is now built and full scale plant production is now underway, not sure it's achived my aim of moving some of the plants from the house rather we just have more pread between the house and tunnel.

Unfortunately the house diying has taken a bit of a back seat recently due to working on the cars and the bathroom is still in its fitted and tiled but still unfinished stage. I think now the pressure is on to get it finished now the mini is back on the road.

Anyway here's the wee beastie...

Thursday, September 30, 2004

None for ages

Ok, so theres been no new posts for ages!!! I admit it - slacking in the post department! Always seem to be busy though, Mini restoration is coming along slowly although its takena hold for a few weeks while I await a huge pile of clamps to arrive to i can clamp down the new floor pannel so it doesn't end up all wobbly! I've finsihed tiling the bathroom so that room seems like its on the home stretch, I can't see we'll attempt starting any other rooms for a DIY makeover this year, with the exception of the kitchen maybe as i need to get the new bit of worktop out of the garage as i keep tripping over it!

We have also taken delivery of a polytunnel which needs building, hoping to get that done in a few weeks.

I've also been tinkering with the website and also created a new forum for my local mini owners club - so if you like minis come and say hello !

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Stupid Bustard

Shock news today, the great bustard is back in Britain. Should we be concerned? Well only if you are a great bustard, the plan seems to be to hide in hedges and shoot them with water pistols to make them aware of the danger of foxes. Funny as I can't remember the last time I saw a fox in a toy shop buying a Super Soaker.

The honeymooners are now back and have had a reality check buy getting straight back to work. I must get round to seeing if they have any photos, would be nice to put some up on the photo site.

Finally got round to doing some work on the mini at the weekend, woo hoo! This does mean that other jobs (notably DIY around the house) have been put on hold for a bit. Managed to get the engine lifted out ready to be put into our other mini, i'd been a bit aprehensive about it as lifting up a 150kg lump of metal seemed like a recipie for disaster. However with a lot of help from my neighbour who made it all look easy it was out in no time. Now the task of cutting out all the rusty bits begins!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Well the wedding all went fine at the weekend - with the exception of the brides mother being taken into hospital on the thursday night - operation on friday - out saturday morning in time for the service! Phew! Did mean that we had lots more fun arranging tables and flowers as it seemed only she knew where people were sitting.

My best mans speech hopefully went down ok - at least nobody thumped me afterwards! I wasn't nervous about it until about a minute before I was due to stand up. I hope nobody was offended by my cheesy jokes :-D

The consequence of all this is that i'm totally knackered - it think I need a week of early nights. The sunday after the wedding I seemed to relax with all the stress and panic lifted and I was suddenly tired - even had to have an afternoon snooze! So, I wasn't pleased to be awoken at 4:45am while they set up the Market in Bakewell. Much banging and crashing of stalls. Grrrrrr.

Pictures to follow soon... (when I get round to uploading them!)