Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Stupid Bustard

Shock news today, the great bustard is back in Britain. Should we be concerned? Well only if you are a great bustard, the plan seems to be to hide in hedges and shoot them with water pistols to make them aware of the danger of foxes. Funny as I can't remember the last time I saw a fox in a toy shop buying a Super Soaker.

The honeymooners are now back and have had a reality check buy getting straight back to work. I must get round to seeing if they have any photos, would be nice to put some up on the photo site.

Finally got round to doing some work on the mini at the weekend, woo hoo! This does mean that other jobs (notably DIY around the house) have been put on hold for a bit. Managed to get the engine lifted out ready to be put into our other mini, i'd been a bit aprehensive about it as lifting up a 150kg lump of metal seemed like a recipie for disaster. However with a lot of help from my neighbour who made it all look easy it was out in no time. Now the task of cutting out all the rusty bits begins!


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