Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Well the wedding all went fine at the weekend - with the exception of the brides mother being taken into hospital on the thursday night - operation on friday - out saturday morning in time for the service! Phew! Did mean that we had lots more fun arranging tables and flowers as it seemed only she knew where people were sitting.

My best mans speech hopefully went down ok - at least nobody thumped me afterwards! I wasn't nervous about it until about a minute before I was due to stand up. I hope nobody was offended by my cheesy jokes :-D

The consequence of all this is that i'm totally knackered - it think I need a week of early nights. The sunday after the wedding I seemed to relax with all the stress and panic lifted and I was suddenly tired - even had to have an afternoon snooze! So, I wasn't pleased to be awoken at 4:45am while they set up the Market in Bakewell. Much banging and crashing of stalls. Grrrrrr.

Pictures to follow soon... (when I get round to uploading them!)