Monday, February 27, 2006


You may have noticed in the news about the robbery in Kent, UK. of a security depot where they got away with £53 million! The biggest cash robbery ever in the UK by all accounts.

They have arrested some people in connection with the crime but they have been released on bail... surely if they set the bail to £10 million each they would know if they'd caught the right people ;-)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Annual update

It has come to my attention that i am overdue my annual update of this blog well actually "monica forced me to write something so here it is.." :-D

Well whats happened well allot and not much really, but i've just had a nice lunch down the pub so thats nice!

Anyway i might move this blog to my realy homepage where it wont get ignored as much, who knows bi-annual updates maybe on the cards.